
In Wetumpka, AL.

The Wayback Machine will show this site is an investigation of Subliminal Distraction begun in 2002.

If you wish to help in this project, send the Home page URL to your email list and encourage everyone to do the same.

Preventing Subliminal Distraction episodes, mistaken for mental illness, is simple and free.


Copyright 2003    Edit    April 10, 2015

Copyright    Contact page    Demonstration of subliminal sight

If  you  reached this page from a search engine enter the site here,

or see other cases on the Disappearance and College Suicides pages.



Kelly Nash   

First visit to site, explanation

A body found a month after he disappeared has been identified as Nash.

He was in a lake near the last video sighting of him walking alone.


Additional information that there was a single gunshot wound to the head supports suicide.


What he did to disappear, got out of bed, walked away alone, wearing only pajamas a T shirt and boat shoes,

 leaving a garage door ajar, after appearing normal hours earlier,  combined with the fact he was  a student and video game player,

 say it is probable he died in the confusion of a Subliminal Distraction episode.


So what is a Subliminal Distraction episode?     Begin physiology explanation.






These episodes do not always end in a death. There have been recoveries with safe returns.


But there have also been other disappearance deaths like this one.




Brogan Dulle, University of Cincinnati, functioned normally all day.


He helped build a picnic table at home, then phoned his mother when he drove back to school that afternoon assuring he arrived safely.


That night he went to dinner with friends, then rode with them back to his apartment.


He put his key in the door, left it there, as well as leaving his wallet and ID inside,


There is video of him  walking back and forth on the street looking for his cell.


Eight days later he was found a suicide in the basement of an apartment house under renovation.  Dulle/College Suicides






Kayeln Louder was unemployed, living with a roommate, and a heavy computer user on social media.


After making several 911 calls about violence she thought was happening at a party nearby,


she ran out into a rain storm barefoot wearing only shorts, and a top.


There is video of her running down to a parking area, and then away, alone.


A month later her decomposed body was found hung up in debris, in the water, under a bridge.


The stream connected to a creek behind her apartment.

It was not possible to determine a cause of death


Ron Tammen walked away from Miami of Ohio, April 1953.

He had played upright bass for a party that afternoon. He was seen about 8 PM but had vanished by 10 PM.

Sighted a three hour walk from the school, he was so confused he didn't know his name.

Unaware he was missing, he was given directions, and walked away into the Spring Ohio snow, wearing a light blanket sweater.

Pictures posted by the library at Miami show he created the "special circumstances"                                                                    

                                              for the "mental break causing design mistake" with the positioning of his study desk.

He has not been seen since.   Tammen



Joe Morse left all his possessions in the dorm, withdrew his last $120, and vanished spring semester 2003.

Four years later the Georgia Tech Police found him as an unidentified suicide in Miami.

He had flown there, broken into a construction site, climbed a 187 foot crane, and jumped, the day after he left Tech.

His roommate emailed a sketch of their dorm room study area revealing Morse had three sources

of Subliminal Distraction exposure.   Morse.




The Mysterious Disappearances page has other cases from around the world, going back over a hundred years. Here.

There is not enough information in each case to prove they were Subliminal Distraction caused fugue episodes.

But if you read enough of the incidents, a pattern develops.

Today most are high achieving students, and the events group around times of intense study when incorrectly designed

computer workstations, and study areas would be heavily used for longer periods of time.



 The episode arises from a normal feature of the physiology of sight we all have.


They have been known to happen as a believed-harmless event in incorrectly designed offices since 1964.


The public and mental health services are unaware they exist.


Not mental illness, visual subliminal distraction is explained in psychology lectures about peripheral vision reflexes.

The design problem takes the same name, Subliminal Distraction.






To understand the potential for this normal feature of everyone's physiology of sight,

see the office picture and hospital record of what psychiatrists saw,

after Connie Tucker's office was changed, eliminating Cubicle Level Protection.   Here,


To prove Kelly Nash had the same episode I want a sketch of where he played video games,

and studied with or without a computer.


Example:  Joe Morse, Georgia Tech. Here.




This site is a 13 year psychology investigation to show the outcomes from a problem engineers found,

when it caused believed harmless mental breaks for office workers.

Examples of home computer locations that will allow exposure are here.


The Site Outline page has examples of incidents, and ongoing activities that have exposure.



When students, and home computer users spend long hours concentrating,

while there is repeating detectable distracting movement nearby in peripheral vision,

they are creating the "mental break causing design mistake"

engineers discovered then created the cubicle to stop.


There are strange disappearances and suicides of college students that go back over a hundred years. Disappearance


There were no  computers when engineers discovered it.


If you create the design mistake for enough long sessions you can have minor psychiatric symptoms, or  the same outcome as Nash.


It can be explained as the long term suppression of the vision startle reflex,

in a location where there is detectable movement nearby in peripheral vision.

so your brain is forced to subliminally attemp,t but fail to execute the reflex a massive number of times,

in a compact time frame. (Full explanation linked below.)



Engineers, and mental health at the time, 1968, failed to understand the problem has always existed.


There are other similar student disappearance and suicide cases with the "special circumstances"
 of Subliminal Distraction exposure.

Disappearances   Jamison Family Disappearance    Joe Morse Georgia Tech   Mass Shooting Suicides

College Suicides


Emails to police and posts on the Facebook page for Nash's disappearance to determine if this happened had no replies.


If this is your first visit to my investigation project,  I can prove what I tell you is true.


 My demonstration of subliminal sight and habituation in peripheral vision, (Demo),

allows you to experience the onset of subliminal exposure.


The experiment to cause psychiatric symptoms, depression, in a short period of Subliminal Distraction exposure,

is not on site.

While safe if instructions are followed, the effect remits with rest from exposure.

It is too dangerous for careless attempts.




Do you know anyone in mental health services or research who can cause psychiatric symptoms experimentally?


What is  needed to prove Nash had this episode to cause his death?                          

                           A diagram of the locations where he studied and played video games.


Information you need for a first site visit. (Bottom this page.)


This story has been repeated over, and over for college students, home computer users on social media and video game players.  Nash was both a college student, and video game player.


The information to be gained from those facts is that Nash had a sudden onset Subliminal Distraction mental event, and in the confusion of the event either died by accident, or committed suicide.


The explanation of how this happens is on the College Suicides page.  The most recent case of suicide there is Brogan  Dulle. In that case Dulle functioned normally through the day until he put his key in his apartment door, returning from a meal with friends.  There are video frame grabs of him walking back, and forth searching for a cell. He was discovered a suicide days later by the manager of an apartment house under renovation.  


Assuming you reached this page from a search engine you did not read the Disappearances page.  Here There are hundreds of cases that have this type sudden disappearance.   I can trace the phenomenon back over a hundred years.


That long ago there is little  information available  to use in an investigation. But the situation of a disappearance that causes a newspaper report of the disappearance has a pattern.


The missing person essentially stops what ever they are doing, and walks away with no explanation. Another scenario is that the missing person begins an errand telling others they will be back. They vanish and Police begin searches, friends and volunteers search wide areas for the missing person.


Of course some of the suddenly missing turn out to have been accident or crime victims.   A number recover ,and return in altered mental states.  Another group are never found.


The oldest case on the Internet which has evidence to conclude it was a Subliminal Distraction event is Ron Tammen. He walked away from Miami of Ohio in April 1953. The disappearance was so strange that Miami University Library has a website about it. There is picture of his open study desk in a room with a roommate. (Here)


All the investigations fail to search for a problem we all  have but no one knows exists, Subliminal Distraction.


 Police involved in the search do not believe a problem exists that can cause an episode of fear, panic, paranoia, and hallucinated beliefs of persecution or delusional guilt with no warning.


Low level exposure episodes can cause depression, and be diagnosed as mental illness, or it may strike like lightening causing a severe episode that leads to a fugue episode or suicide. 


Discovered by engineers when it caused believed-harmless light mental breaks for office workers in 1964 the cubicle was designed to block peripheral vision for a concentrating worker to prevent the "mental break causing design mistake" engineers found.    When exposure happens in offices someone notices bizarre behavior beginning, and sends the worker to the hospital. But in homes and dorms bizarre behavior can be mistaken for mood swings. There is no work product to notice declining.   The exposure can build until there is a severe event or a tragedy  happens.


Those engineers did not understand what they found. They did not cause the mental events as they believed, but created a set of circumstances to reveal the problem existed. A part of everyone's physiology of sight, it has always existed.


Stories of spontaneous remissions in the 16/1700's say Subliminal Distraction filled mad houses 400 years ago in London. Spontaneous Remission


Four mass shooters have evidence in news reports that show they made the design mistake. Other shooters were students or had jobs and activities that would have allowed the episode if the design mistake were made. (Postal mail sorter is a job example. The Post Office does not supply peripheral vision blocking protection in any post office. Mail sorters have been mass shooters.)  Mass shooting investigation page, Here


Captain Shah, who piloted MH370 to crash in the ocean, incorrectly designed his homemade flight simulator. Units you can buy already constructed do not have a large monitor screen in peripheral vision like Shah located in his simulator. Moving text on the large monitor would have caused detectable movement high in his peripheral vision to cause Subliminal Distraction exposure while he used it. Here



A Subliminal Distraction mental event is the only psychiatric complaint that has been correctly evaluated, then prevented, but by engineers not doctors.  When a similar event happens in hospital ICU's they don't know why it happens. Engineers solved the problem in four years. Doctors are still arguing about what to name the episode in ICU's.


The design problem is unknown in mental health services. Psychiatrists do not know engineers discovered  or solved the problem. No  one screens for it before diagnosing metal illness.   The event spontaneously remits shortly after exposure stops.   That recovery will be credited to drug or talk therapy.  Although psychotropic drugs fail in testing, psychiatrists claim case evidence to show they work. Drug testing.


What is  needed to prove Nash had this episode to cause his death?  A diagram of the locations where he studied and played video games.


An example of that is on the Joe Morse Georgia Tech page. Here Morse vanished the last day of school in the spring of 2003.  He left all his possessions in the dorm room. Four years later Ga Tech Police discovered him as an unidentified suicide in Miami. He had flown there, broke into a construction site, climbed a 187 foot crane, and jumped the day after he vanished from Tech.





The object in these cases should be to get as much News coverage across the country as possible.   If the missing person is in a temporary altered mental state, they may not know who they are and thus will not respond to family appeals. 



The same mental event happened to my wife when her office was changed eliminating Cubicle Level Protection. Connie heard voices and had severe depressive crying episodes about hallucinated guilt for impossible criminal acts.   Her office picture and hospital record are on site, here.      The mental event these students are experiencing is the same but contemporaneous activities, worries, and thoughts shape the hallucinations and thus can change outcomes.


Connie would hallucinate a scenario then act out the delusions.    One night she vanished while rolling the garbage pick up bin down to the road.   She was found wandering in a neighbor's back pasture looking for a red truck she hallucinated someone had given her.   It was cold rainy weather and  she was not wearing outdoor clothing, only a light indoor sweater.


The nature of Subliminal Distraction, subliminal failed attempts to execute the vision startle reflex, creates the subliminal appreciation of threat.   That means that hallucinated scenarios will contain elements of fear, panic, paranoia, anxiety, depression, with thoughts of suicide.


 I CAN PROVE THIS USING THE DESIGN MISTAKE IN AN EXPERIMENT.   By copying the situation engineers discovered but increasing detectable movement in peripheral vision I can show you how to experience the subtle onset of depression in  short period of exposure.


Colleges I have written will not investigate something that shows they are responsible for student deaths.


The usual response from police and sheriffs department is disbelief.   



Anyone with information regarding Nash’s whereabouts is asked to contact his family at 678-936-2483; the Gwinnett County Police Department at 770-513-5300; or the Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Office at 770-619-6655.



First visit.



If this is your first visit to this site,

 there is explanatory information you must have

to understand the "mental break causing design mistake" engineers found in 1964.



Psychiatric symptoms beginning with depression can  be created experimentally  using the "mental break causing design mistake"

engineers accidentally found and designed the office cubicle to stop.


Today computers allow the design mistake to be made in homes and student dorm rooms.


Students are not warned so they can create a situation where they  must suppress the vision startle reflex for long periods.

That is the design mistake.


You can stop psychiatric symptoms it causes with simple free precautions to avoid Subliminal Distraction.


The physiology involved is explained beginning with Subliminal Distraction.


Detailed explanations continue with linked pages:


2) Mental Break Discovery 1964   3) Why they happen    4) Drugs   5) Spontaneous Remission



Site pages with examples of the "mental break causing design mistake" are:


Home Computer Locations  Site Outline  Mass Shootings The Jamison Family Disappearance    Joe Morse Georgia Tech suicide 


  Foxconn-France Telecom suicides  QiGong-Kundalini Mental Breaks  Connie Tucker hospital record


College Suicides



The compete page list as currently on the Home page is below.






Site pages are organized to explain

Subliminal Distraction, then give examples.

Site Outline, an overview of the 12 year investigation of Subliminal Distraction.

What is Subliminal Distraction?  -The first explanation page. Next

How were Subliminal Distraction mental breaks discovered?

Why does a Subliminal Distraction mental break happen?

Foxconn, France Telecom, La Poste, Renault suicides

Psychotropic Drugs

Spontaneous remission Schizophrenia - Rev Trosse

Other pages are:


Bullying and Child Suicides from Bullying   page under construction check back

Connie Tucker Hospital Records  (Subliminal Distraction mistaken for schizophrenia.)

Death at the river's edge, Van Susteren, Fox News  posted in advance of broadcast

Hollywood    Actors, musicians, writers, and other performers have experienced depressive episodes.

Home Computer Location and Classroom Examples

Barney and Betty Hill Alien Abduction

Chaco Canyon Anasazi abandonment of four corners, 1300AD

College Suicides

Culture Bound Syndromes  under construction

Enlarged brain ventricles claimed to prove disease causation for schizophrenia.

ICU Psychosis in hospitals

Forum post link from 2002 verifies start date of project.

Jumping Frenchmen of Maine a startle matching behavior.

Mass Shootings  under construction

Malaysia Air Flight MH370 disappearance explained.

Mass Inanity Belgian Polar Expedition 1897/99

Mysterious Disappearances

           Jamison Family   Vanished Oct. 8, 2009 remains found Nov. 15, 2013 (Bedroom computer pictures found)

           Jennifer Huston   Vanished July 25, 2014 found a suicide 12 days later.

           Mary Shotwell Little, Vanished from Atlanta, Georgia, October 1965, never found.

           Ron Tammen, Vanished from Miami of Ohio, April 1953, never found.

          Flannan Isles Lighthouse Three lighthouse keepers vanished Christmas 1900

Outline and summary of project  Also known as the "Letters" page includes:   Investigation Methodology, QiGong_Kundalini Yoga_LGATS mental breaks, Two sources to verify SD, Georgia Tech College Suicide, Culture Bound Syndromes, Sudden Violence- PekaEric Auvinen computer picture

PTSD  The diagnosis may be preventable if the symptoms are actually caused by Subliminal Distraction.

QiGong and Kundalini Yoga Mental Breaks A 3000 year history of mental breaks is explained.

Reverend George Trosse   Spontaneous remission of insanity, Schizophrenia,  in the 16/1700's.  page under construction

Robin Williams suicide

Shell Shock WWI explained as Subliminal Distraction episodes   Under Construction


Subliminal Operant Conditioning   Subliminal Distraction explained as cause of radicalization to jihadist beliefs.

The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Illness)

The Everquest Connection (Video game believed to hold code to cause addiction.)

Vince Foster Suicide, Clinton Administration 


Underground New York Public Library   Which subway riders are having Subliminal Distraction?   Here Link takes you off site.                                        

                                                               Can you spot those with movement in peripheral vision.

                                                               The site locates local library's or offers an on-line book seller for titles. 

                                                                Not my site, no connection to this project.